
Saturday 22 December 2012

Apocalypse Not Now

There has been much speculation about the world ending on the 21st December 2012. As we have seen, it did not. But why was there so much hype surrounding this date? Let's find out.

NASA released a video intended to be watched on the 22.12.2012 about why the world didn't end yesterday. It shows that if the world were to end soon, we would know about it and explains some of the reasons why this canard has been going on for so long and why some people have been believing it since 1975.

First of all, let's start with the Mayan Calendar. The Mayan Calendar is an ancient system used by the Mayan civilizations. It was developed approximately 5,125 years ago and the Mayan creation date is said to be and on the 21st December 2012, it will be the end of the 13th b'ak'tun (a Mayan measure of time) and that will draw the conclusion of the Great Cycle of the Long Count, but just as your calendar at home ends and you buy a new one, a new long count begins.. According to the Mayan beliefs, there have been three worlds before our's and on the final day of the 13th b'ak'tun, each world was destroyed by the Gods as they were unhappy with them. We are now the 4th world and the Mayans believed the same fate would befall us.

Rumours of how the world will end are varied, but the most common story is of Planet X and Nibiru (both fictional) colliding with the Earth and annihilating the human race and causing cataclysmic destruction on Earth. This obviously didn't happen and scientists have repeatedly disproved the existence of these planets. Another rumour is of alignment of the planets, an innocuous phenomenon that has happened many times before, most recently in the 1960's. And the final one is solar flares, which as I'm sure many of you know are harmless and have no current potential to eradicate our planet.

To conclude, no extermination imminent, nothing to worry about. If ever the Earth is at risk of destruction, I'm sure no-one reading this now will be here in 3.5 billion years.

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